Sourcing is such an important part of our business… Receiving an actual letter is pretty rare nowadays, so getting one through the door – as long as it doesn’t look like junk mail – is a pretty exciting thing!

These are the things we have found works the best to entice people to open the letter.

Envelope can be either C5 or DL preferably white, but could be recycled to show that your company cares about the bigger picture, try and use as good a quality as you can.

Address should be handwritten and in blue pen as it looks less formal, think of it like a birthday card that you cannot wait to open.

Stamps either 1st or 2nd class all depends on when you want them to receive it. Also use real stamps, not a franking machine it might cost you a few pence more, but it will help those envelopes getting ripped open.

Timing is very important and you should do some research into the kind of person you are trying to reach. We typically try and send our letters so they arrive on a Friday or Saturday, that way they will have time to read it and think about what to do.