Tip 3: Do the maths, AKA: Due Dillingence, Tip 4: Shop around and get the best mortgage

In our ongoing series on buy-to-let investing we are giving you two tips for the price of one this time round. Read on…..

Tip 3: Do the maths, AKA: Due Dillingence.

Before you think about looking around properties, sit down with a pen and paper and write down the cost of houses you are looking at and the rent you are likely to get.

Buy-to-let lenders typically want rent to cover 125% of the mortgage repayments and many now demanding 25% deposits, or even larger, for rates considerably above residential mortgage deals. The best rate buy-to-let mortgages also come with large arrangement fees.

Once you have the mortgage rate and likely rent sorted, be clinical in deciding will your investment work out?

What will happen if the property sits empty for a month or two? These are all things to consider. Make sure you know how much the mortgage repayments will be and if it is a tracker allow for rates to rise.

Tip 4: Shop around and get the best mortgage.

Do not just walk into your bank and building society and ask for a mortgage. It sounds obvious, but people who do this when they need a financial product are one of the reasons why banks make billions in profit. If you are looking for advice consider using a specialist buy-to-let mortgage broker. Remember asking them for information means you are under no obligation to use them.

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