Developing the right mental attitude is one of the most powerful tools that you can have in your life. This is particularly true when getting involved in a new field such as setting up and running a property business. You will be faced with many new challenges and will need to be robust to set-backs and disappointments.
Unfortunately, this knowledge is simply alien to most people, meaning that they miss out on many great opportunities that could have seen them excel. The following seven practical tips will help you in developing the right mental attitude. You can apply this to your property business or any other endeavour, and it will ensure that you stand the best chance of being successful and maximising the opportunities and overcoming the hurdles that come your way.

Develop a positive attitude.

The first point about developing the right mental attitude is the most fundamental but sometimes requires the most change. In short, success begins when you adopt a positive and open attitude towards everything you encounter. This does not mean being happy all the time, but it does mean being constructive. This means only allowing positive and empowering thoughts space in your mind, even when your natural instinct is to do otherwise. The first stage of this process is to actually be aware of your thoughts. With the best will in the world, there are times when your mind will still be clouded with negative thoughts, simply stop, be aware and acknowledge them. Then shift your attention again to the desired goals without letting the negative thoughts pull you down and begin to define you.

Outside influences will continually try to pull you off track. For instance, some people will tell you that it is impossible to accomplish anything meaningful or will specifically challenge your goals and come up with obstacles. The wisest thing to do in such a situation is to recognise – but choose to ignore – those voices as you keep telling yourself that you can and you will succeed. We have had numerous setbacks and made many mistakes in setting up our companies but if we took these as validating a position of ‘it can’t be done’ then we would have given up years ago.

Keep focused and see every challenge as an opportunity to learn and grow as well as to become a stronger person. Your positive outlook will help you to overcome all obstacles as you strive to excel. For further reading there is an excellent blog we have found which covers just this point.

Dream big.

Most people try to be realistic and sensible when they come up with their goals and ambitions. This is particularly true when confronted with a new challenge.  They frame them based on ‘where they are now’. While this may look like a mature and constructive approach, it is not the same as dreaming big. Coming up with ‘realistic goals’ tends to be self-limiting. What is often happening is that many people are too scared to have dreams that are larger than life or larger than their experience to date. Other people around them may have comfortably settled into their lives and lost the drive or passion to achieve anything bigger and this is used as a model for their own goals and validation of what can be achieved. Do not be afraid of being different from them. What you need to do instead is have a big vision and set stretching goals to achieve this. As you ‘dream big’ you are likely to become more open to new opportunities and ideas because you will be in a constant state of growth, creation and problem solving. This will become the new ‘normal’ in your life. The bigger your dreams are the more motivated you will become to achieve them.

Know what you want and ask for it.

This is one of the important aspects on how to developing the right mental attitude. It is important to be aware of what you want and be very clear about it. Not knowing what you want and trying to achieve it, is like going out shopping without really knowing what you are going to buy. You might come back with something but is it really what you want? People won’t be able to help you because they won’t know what you are looking for. This fundamental rule applies to everything; unless you know what you want, do not expect the universe to line up to give it to you. The best way to ask for what you want, is by visualizing, writing or praying; or any process that works for you to help you conjure up a strong image. Just ensure that you create a blue print of what you want in your mind then you will naturally communicate this in everything you do. People will then align with this to help you if they are able to. This provides a supporting ‘feedback loop’ that reinforces the message that you can achieve what you are aiming for.

Trust yourself and follow your own plans.

Some people do not have faith in their own abilities and feel like failures from the outset. Naturally they find it quite hard to succeed at anything new or more challenging. In order to excel you must begin by trusting yourself and following your plan. Your plan is not likely to be 100% correct, the important thing is to get moving and keep moving. Avoid giving your inner voice a reason to judge you, simply keep your word and execute. For example, if you had promised yourself you would call a number of potential business contacts, then do it without looking for reasons to avoid it. Begin by practicing little successes in your daily activities which will help you gain the power to control your life. Do not be too worried about how you will accomplish your goals; just trust yourself and keep moving forwards. The next stage is to get feedback from your success (or failure) then adjust your plan.

Use visual reminders to keep motivated.

Visual reminders come in many shapes and forms. Taping your goals to a mirror in the bathroom or some other place where you will be able to see them daily is an effective option for many. Alternatively, post them up in the office. Some people like to create a ‘vision board’ of images of what they are aiming to achieve. Alternatively, you can keep a journal to assist you maintain your focus. The journal entries will be a source of great inspiration and reference as well as providing insights on how far you have come. They will reinforce your resolve as you witness small accomplishments contributing to your overall goals. All these systems will assist your mind to always remain receptive to information relating to achieving your goals.

Praise progress and keep moving.

It is important to praise yourself whenever you make progress towards the desired goals. This is an important step in assisting you reinforce your current position while also acknowledging that you need to make the next move. When we introduce a new system or process in the office we say to ourselves ‘is this good for 90days?’ meaning we acknowledge that it isn’t perfect but will it do for the moment. Normally 50% right is good enough to get going.

Establish a support system.

Support systems are a very important enabler to developing the right mental attitude. People who act as a support structure coach; challenge and hold you accountable for your actions. Such people are on the lookout for your best interest and are happy when you excel.

Establishing a support system is not easy since you require people who have absolute faith in you. These individuals should be honest enough to tell you the truth without being malicious. They should be close enough to you so as to understand your limitations and strengths without making excuses for your failures. Networking groups are a very good place to establish a group of people who will act as your unofficial support system.

This is our take on the subject but another excellent article can be found here. You may also be interested in watching our video on How to keep the right mental mindset